Intensive Coaching Module

The Intensive Coaching Module is an advanced offering designed to further develop your coaching practice and extend your experience with the support of a GCI accredited expert coach. Working with you as a coaching supervisor, you will develop and enhance your skills and habits of reflecting on your practice. 

  • Learn from being coached of by an expert coach
  • Receive coaching supervision as you coach 2 clients
  • Reflect with another in a safe space
  • Have ongoing access to experienced support
  • Establish habits and practices for reflection that will improve your coaching
  • Learn to use an inquiry mindset about your coaching

$2150 (+ GST)

Intensive Coaching Module $2150 + GST

About Intensive Coaching Module

Upon completing a coaching course, you will have greater confidence and competence as a coach and better understand how to transfer your learning into practice as a coach. 

Whether close to the completion of a coaching course or somewhat later, the Intensive Coaching Module (ICM), provides you with a supportive yet challenging opportunity to being a highly impactful coach.

The GCI Coaches involved in this module are expert coaches, have international coach accreditation and are supported by an accredited Coach Supervisor. They can move appropriately between several roles in supporting your development:

  • Coach: coaching you on your coaching development and implementation goals
  • Supervisor: promoting reflection on your practice, affirming what is working well and amplifying opportunities for growth and “doing differently”
  • Mentor: suggesting further options from their experience for you to consider
  • Trainer: pointing back to learning from coaching courses or modelling coaching as appropriate
  • Feedback provider: providing ongoing feedback throughout the process and particularly in relation to the ‘Coach the Coach’ activity.

Reflecting on our coaching is central to coach development, growth and effectiveness.

  • Six 1-hour sessions with your coach 
  • Coaching 2 coachees, who you select, for 6 x 1-hour sessions each
  • Writing a brief reflection on each session with one of your coachees 
  • Using your reflections as the basis for each session with your coach.
  • Completing a Coach the Coach session, engaging in a reflective conversation about your coaching and receiving written feedback.
  • Writing a short, reflective summary of key insights gained from your coaching journey and receiving affirming, developmental feedback.

$2150 (+ GST)

Intensive Coaching Module $2150 + GST

Register for upcoming Intensive Coaching Module workshops
Intensive Coaching Module

The Intensive Coaching module is for those who have completed the Coaching Accreditation Program Phases 1-3, Online Coaching Accreditation Program or Coaching in Leadership.

To register, please fill out this form and a GCI staff member will contact you.