Fiona is a coach, mentor and facilitator who strives to get the most out of individuals and groups and who’s ability to build a strong rapport quickly with people is based on trust and mutual respect.

Fiona has extensive experience working in the Western Australian Public School System and has worked in various leadership roles at both school and system level. Through her various system leadership roles Fiona has been fortunate enough to have worked with every category of school within the WA system, both metropolitan and regional. This has enabled her to have a sound understanding of the complexities faced by individual school leaders and their communities.

Fiona’s drive and belief to invest in people early in their career was evident in her role in the Department of Education WA, Leadership Institute. In this role she worked strategically across the organisational structure to scope a more inclusive approach to providing contextualised programs to support school leaders.

One of Fiona’s strengths is her depth of understanding and knowledge of the business of education; the foundations and planning that is required to enable crucial decision making on a daily basis that can make a difference to the lives of children in context to their school environment. Her significant work in this area has led her to be invited by Deakin University, Facility of Arts and Education, to chair the Leadership Advisory Board for the Graduate Certificate of Education Business Leadership.

Special Interest Areas

  • Team and Individual Coaching
  • Enhancing Organisational Culture
  • Building individual and group communications and interpersonal skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Group Facilitation
  • Leadership Development

Education, Qualifications and Memberships

  • Graduate Certificate Education Business Leadership
  • Diploma of Management
  • Certificate IV Training and Assessment
  • Accredited GCI Coach
  • Accredited PRINT Coach
  • Fellow – Leadership WA