Working papers from CollectivED
The Hub for Mentoring and Coaching is a newly established Research and Practice Centre based in the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University.
The second issue of CollectivEd Working Papers represents the lived experiences of researchers and practitioners working to support the professional learning and practice development of teachers and other education staff at all stages of their career. Please do read them and use them to provoke your own reflections and action. You won’t agree with them all, but they should make you think. Information about the contributors is provided at the end of this issue, along with an invitation to contribute.
- Video–stimulated reflective dialogue - a useful tool for re-examining and reflecting on practice. A Research Working Paper by Helen Lewis
- Accountability pressures in coaching practice in primary schools. A Research Working Paper by Mary Briggs
- What is more important to the success of schools? Teacher collaboration or the management of teachers? A Reflection on a #debatED discussion by Rachel Lofthouse
- Let’s talk more about Followership. A Research Working Paper by Lewis Fogarty
- BrewEd: Pints, pedagogy and the birth of a grassroots movement. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Daryn Egan-Simon and Ed Finch
- Video Coaching to Improve Teaching through Guided Reflection. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Casey Kosiorek and Jim Thompson
- Stuck in the Twilight Zone: Guiding Trainee Teachers across Tricky Terrain. A Thinkpiece working paper by Jo McShane
- Walking and Talking: An insight into a mentoring relationship (elite level Futsal). A Practice Insight Working Paper by Steven Tones and Ian Bateman
- Go Observe… a response to #noobservation. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Rachel Lofthouse
- CollectivEd Thinking Out Loud: An interview with Claire-Marie Cuthbert