Coaching Accreditation Program

Our flagship coach training course with Prof. Christian van Nieuwerburgh, delivered fully ONLINE over 6 months with a GLOBAL cohort and a pathway to individual European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) credentials. EMCC is an international body seeking to develop, promote, and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring, coaching, and supervision.

This course provides comprehensive training for educators in the skills, conversational frameworks, and "way of being" of coaching. Designed for educators by educators, the Coaching Accreditation Program takes into account the particular circumstances and context of the participants so that the professional learning is immediately applicable in educational settings. 

78 Learning Hours
  • A pathway to an industry recognised coaching credential with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)
  • The opportunity to learn in a flexible, asynchronous environment which eliminates the need for travel and out of school time
  • A chance to be part of the rich learning environment provided by an international cohort with participants in varied locations and educational systems
  • A learning experience led by Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh, global thought leaders in Coaching in Education

$4550 (+ GST)

GCI offers a split payment plan for this course:

  • AUD$2,750 on registration
  • AUD$1,800 (the balance) due at the end of week 4 of the course

If you would like to take advantage of the split payment option please contact us at

About Coaching Accreditation Program

The Coaching Accreditation Program provides a comprehensive, in-depth coach training experience for educators, in an engaging and convenient online format.

Learning Design

Research-informed, practitioner-focused is an important principle that underpins all our work at GCI, and this online learning experience is no exception.

At GCI, we believe that we act our way into learning rather than learn our way into acting. With this principle in mind, all of our courses have a strong emphasis on practice.

When we are engaged in praxis we are reflecting in action – taking what we are learning and applying it in real-life situations. Like our in-person courses, this online course enables praxis through a range of thoughtfully designed adult learning experiences including:

  • individual and group reflection activities
  • exploration of the latest coaching research and literature
  • co-operative learning tasks
  • practise opportunities using real workplace scenarios
  • modelling
  • observation and feedback
  • debrief sessions

Participants who successfully complete all course requirements will receive:

  • A Certificate of Completion of an EMCC Global Quality Awarded Course
  • Pathway to EMCC Global Individual Accreditation EIA
  • Permission to use the “GCI CAP Trained Coach” badge in email signature, business cards and professional profiles
Before you register

Online courses require you to access resources and complete activities on our Learning Management System (LMS) in advance of live workshop sessions. Alternatively, for some courses you may be mailed hardcopy course materials or receive these on the day for in-person courses.

Due to the interactive and collaborative nature of this course, participants need to be able to commit to all scheduled live sessions with their chosen cohort. We understand that unforeseen conflicts arise from time to time and you may need to unexpectedly miss some of the course. We will do our best to accommodate this but in the event that you miss a full live workshop session, we will recommend that you restart the course with a new cohort. An administration fee may be charged for this transfer.

Our online courses use Zoom as a platform for live interactive sessions. Please consider the following guidelines in the interests of a positive learning experience for all:

  • Ensure that you have sole use of your own computer or device during the live workshop sessions
  • Test video and audio (use earphones) on your computer or device in advance
  • Ensure you have a good connection to the Internet
  • Arrive on time and be prepared for each workshop
  • Take measures to ensure that you can be fully present for the duration of each workshop


$4550 (+ GST)

GCI offers a split payment plan for this course:

  • AUD$2,750 on registration
  • AUD$1,800 (the balance) due at the end of week 4 of the course

If you would like to take advantage of the split payment option please contact us at

Register for upcoming Coaching Accreditation Program workshops

6 month course

22 Oct 2025 00:00

Component 1 - Learning Management System (LMS) based, asynchronous online learning activities, combined with multiple practise activities

Week 1 to 10 (22 October 2025 - 03 February 2026)

Component 2 - Three live interactive workshops

Live workshop 1 - Week 2 (run twice)

  • 30 October 2025 – 17.30 - 20.00 AEDT
  • 28 October 2025 – 18.00 - 20.30 EDT

Live workshop 2 - Week 7 (run twice)

  • 04 December 2025 - 17:30 - 20:00 AEDT
  • 02 December 2025 - 17.00 - 19.30 EST

Live workshop 3 - Week 17 (run twice)

  • 19 March 2026 - 17:30 - 20:00 AEDT
  • 17 March 2026 - 18:00 - 20:30 EDT

Component 3 - Three facilitated practice focused online workshops in small groups

Week 11 to 16 (04 February 2026 - 17 March 2026)

Component 4 - Two one-to-one individual coaching sessions

Week 17 to 23 (18 March 2026 - 05 May 2026)

Terms and Conditions